Tournament: Beer Forester 2023

Divisions PDGA Membership Required PDGA Min. Rating
MPO (Pro Open)
Date of Event 04.11.2023. @ 10:00h
Registrations from 01.11.2019. (11:10:02) to 04.11.2023. (10:00:00)

Prijavite se za sudjelovanje na turniru Beer Forester 2023!

Beer Forester je turnir koji se igra kao popratni sadržaj turnira Drava Forester. Za sve sudionike je otvorena samo jedna Open kategorija.

Register for Beer Forester 2023!

Beer Forester is played as a side event of the Drava Forester tournament. Only one, Open category is open for all competitors.

Privacy statement
Your entered data will be send to the tournament organizers by unencrypted e-mail. The fields "First Name", "Last Name", "Division" and "Country" will be published on this web page. Your full name, division and your pdga number will be send to the PDGA, together with your results.
Your e-mail address is only used for tournament purposes (either to contact you in case of problems/questions or to send out news about this year's tournament edition) and will not be shared.

No legal liability
Please note that you are liable for your actions and throws at our tournament. We will take no legal liability for actions of our players.

Registered players

# Nation Div. Name PDGA Rating Paid
1 HR MPO Tina Šimenc 138383 811
2 HR MPO Antonio Grigić 242179 812
3 HR MPO Branka Habjanic 114997 515
4 HR MPO Marko Pavlović 271875 N/A