Tournament fee for Day 1 (with Paige Pierce) is 220 kn / ~30 € and it includes a custom stamped disc (Disc golfing through Croatia with Paige Pierce). The fee should be paid during the tournament.
No food is included in the fee, but a lunch option will be offered to registered players.
9:30 - players meeting, hotel Spa Golfer, congress hall
10:00 - 1st round, 14 holes
12:45 - lunch, restaurant Vučkovec
13:35 - scorecard pickup, Golf House
14:00 - 2nd round, 14 holes
- winners ceremony (planned for 16 - 16:30)
Accommodation for players is possible on request in hotel and apartments of the Terme Sveti Martin or in Varaždin. As this event is a part of the Disc golfing through Croatia tour addended by Paige and 10 more persons everyone is invited to stay for the night in Varazdin and go out with the people on the tour (advent, ice skating etc.)